What we stand for


NHN’s members knock doors, make phone calls, distribute information to neighbors, and more to strengthen our connections and cause.


We empower neighbors through cultivating strong community connections and pairing it with community and civic education.


Through organizing and empowerment, we intend to strengthen the advocacy power of our neighbors and our community.

About Rockaways Neighbors Helping Neighbors

We are a group of neighbors who live in one of the 5 remaining public housing developments in Rockaway, Queens, NYC. Our goal is to uplift, encourage and inspire one another to be involved in housing and civic matters so that we may better advocate for our rights and wellbeing.

We believe in the mission of grassroots organizing, which is to build deep and meaningful community networks and relationships. We also believe strongly in community education, and work with researchers and legal advocates and do our own in-house research when needed. We also know that we alone can not take on the challenges we face, so we work in partnership with neighbors citywide through coalition work.

We are neighbors helping neighbors, in Far Rockaway, in Queens, in New York City.

Latest Updates

Learn more about our past initiatives!

Let us Breathe Campaign

Inwood Material Terminal (IMT, https://hauglandgroup.us/divisions/inwood-material-terminal/) is a company that recycles construction debris in Far Rockaway, Queens (11691). They grind down the materials and create huge piles of dirt that are now exceeding the concrete walls Read more…

Community Survey & Results

Rockaway Neighbors Helping Neighbors is committed to advocating for our community on the basis of facts. For this reason, we have carried out multiple community surveys – and are continuing to do so! Our previous Read more…

Get in Touch

Neighbors and community partners - let's collaborate and come together!

Find us at the office

Far Rockaway Queens, NYC

Send us an email


Give us a ring

(929) 300-5381